Friday, September 7, 2012





The computer is the electronic device which can perform certain mathematical calculation and logical operation at very high speed. The word computer is derived from the Latin word “computure” which means to computes.

Benefits and limitation of the computer

1. Storage:

Computer stores any data in binary format and completely different from other device like calculator. It stores huge amount of data. The measurement unit of computer storage device (Hard disk) is as follows:

1 or 0 --------------------------------- 1 Bit

4 Bits ---------------------------------- 1 Nibble

8 Bits ---------------------------------- 1 Byte

1024 Bytes ---------------------------------- 1 Kilobyte

1024 K.b. ---------------------------------- 1 Mega Byte

1024 M.b. ---------------------------------- 1 Giga Byte

1024 G.b. ---------------------------------- 1 Tera Byte

1024 T.b. ---------------------------------- 1 Pera Byte

1024 P.b. ---------------------------------- 1 Exa Byte

1024 E.b. ---------------------------------- 1 Zota Byte

2. Speed:

Computer can work any operation at a very high speed. All the operations of a computer are caused by electric pulses, which travel at the speed of sun light. Because of this feature it can use in multiple fields. It can perform innumerable operations in just one second. Its speed is generally measured in nanosecond.

Measurement unit of Time

Unit Meaning Second Power of 10

Millisecond Thousand of a second 1/1,000 10-3

Microsecond Thousand million of a second 1/1,000,000 10-6

Nano second Thousand micro of a second 1/1,000,000,000 10-9

Pico second Thousand Nano of a second 1/1,000,000,000,000 10-12

3. Accuracy:

It calculates any calculation with 100% accurate, if you feel any mistakes in any calculation than that is called manual error.

4. Automatic:

If we give any instructions in computer through input device, it gives result automatically without helping any other machine.

5. Diligence:

Computer get never tired and bore rather than human being, it gives result with same accuracy and speed.

6. Versatility:

Computer is a versatile machine because is used in many fields like education, business, astronomy, science & research, entertainment, communication etc.

7. Communication:

Now a day people commonly interact with computer through email/Internet. It connects the people from one location to another location around the world.

Generation of the computer

The computer is not found it is invented the computer is in its developing process, thus we can say that the computer developing process is the generation of the computer.

1) First generation of the computer

a. The first generation computers were developed during 1946 to 1958.

b. They used vacuum tube as an electronic circuit and a magnetic drum as a primary storage.

c. They consumed a lot of power and generated a lot of heat.

d. They used machine level language for writing the programs, which was tedious and time consuming.

e. They had low level of accuracy and reliability.

2 second generation of the computer

a. Transistors were used as electronic circuit

b. These computer used magnetic Cores as primary data storage medium

c. These computer were smaller, faster more reliable and more accurate than those of first generation commuter.

d. They required less power and emitted less heat than vacuum tubes.

e. Their operating speed was up to the microseconds

range.The second generation computer were developed

during 1959 to 1964.

f. They used Machine-independent “high level” programming language such as ALGOL,COBOL,FORTRAN etc. for programming. The examples of second generation computers are IBM1620, IBM1401, CDC3600, LEO markIII,400 series, NCR300etc.

g. The transistor was developed by john Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley in 1947.

3 Third generation of the computer

Third generation computers were developed during 1965 to 1974.

a. They used Integrated Circuits (IC) as electronic circuits. Jack kilby developed the integrated circuit in 1958.

b. They used semiconductor device as a primary storage.

c. They had large storage capacity.

d. Their operating speed was improved to nanosecond.

e. They are more reliable, much smaller in size, easier to operate and less expensive than previous generation computers.

f. They included multi programming, batch and time-sharing operating systems.

g. They extensively used high level programming language included Report Programming Generator (RPG) and Pascal.

h. The example of third generation computers are IBM system /360, IBM370, GE600series, ICT1900 series, NCR (national cash Register) etc.

4 fourth generation of the computer

a. The fourth generation computers were developed during 1975 to 1990.

b. The first microprocessor called Intel 400 was developed by Intel Corporation USA in 1971.

c. These computer use microprocessor chips as electronic circuits.

d. They use semi-conductor for primary memory and magnetic devices like Floppy disk, hard disk and magnetic tape for secondary storage.

e. Forth generation computers are highly reliable and accurate.

f. Their operating speed has been increased to Pico-seconds.

g. Their size has been reduced to micro computer such as desktop and laptop.

h. They can understand many high level languages, and they are user friendly.

5 fifth generatation of the computer

a.BIO chip and ULSI are used as main components.

b. they have artificial intelligence.

c. they processor non-numerical information such as pictures an graphs.

d. they use a super conductor as a main storage.

e. they are able to understand natural languages.

f. they are using automatic programming computational logic.

Types of Devices:

Input device: - One of the main components of computer system which is used to send different type of values to C P U for different operation.

i.e Key board, Mouse, Scanner etc. are input devices of the computer.

Output device: - An output device through which all the result above Process / operations displayed called output.

i.e. Monitor, Printer, Speaker etc are the example of output device.

Processing Device: - C.P.U. stands for Central Processing Unit. It is a small device lies inside a casing box. This is the main unit of computer system that wholes all operation like a processing arithmetic or logical operation. This is placed on motherboard either in socket or C P U slot that connects RAM, all additional Card, Expansion slots And other. This is the Brain of computer System that executer and understands all process of system.

Memory: It is use to store the given information through input device. We can store Information or Data temporary or permanently.

In other word, memory is the allocation where processors check or stores its information, a semiconductor circuit that stores information / Data operation of computer called memory.

Storage Device

* Primary storage



Secondary storage

Floppy Disk Drive

Hard Disk Drive

Optical Disk Drive

Primary memory:

A semiconductor circuit that stores any information of computer called Primary memory. This is main (major) memory. i e. RAM, ROM, etc.

Secondary Memory:

The memory allocation which stores Data / information Permanently Called Secondary memory when primary stores its Data then secondary memory active. i.e. Hard disk, Floppy Disk, Pen Drive Other external chips etc.

Note: - One Character contains one byte like (a, b, c, 1, 2, %, ^, *) and space also include the one byte.

Eg. (Rabindra is a good boy. ------------- (Total 22 bytes contain)



The physical components parts of computer is called Hardware, Which can feel and touch is known as Hardware. It is a mechanism of the computer and all devices attached to the computer system for example: Key board, monitor, mouse, printer, Hard disk, Mother board, etc.


The software is a collection of multiple instructions, which is used to run the program for Different purpose it can perform kinds of task is called software. It is invisible in tang like brain of human being. Normally software is classified in three categories.

* Operating System/System Software

* Application Software

* Utility Software

Operating system software (O.S.):

The system software is used to active components of Hardware. It is used to operate the hardware devices of computer and ready for use. It is specially used for storing resources operation program is known as system software.

Simply, we can say that operating system is an interface in between computer hardware and user like as communication channel. Example of O.S. is Windows, Linux, UNIX, Novel etc.

Application Software:

Application software is one kind of software program, which is used to handle the day to day problem of user like: education, astronomy, communication, multimedia etc. one kind of Application Software programs is used to handle the one type of problems at a time. It is software to do specific task a time. There are many kind of Application software.

* Ms- Office package

* Movie maker

* Graphics Designing

* Accounting Package etc.

Utility software:

It is used to protect from the virus and stores the backup files.

Virus:- Virus is a destructive software program, which is created by human being. It destroys the operating system and application software.


Panda, Norton, Avg, Ms-café, Kaspersky, Node, Avast

How to on the computer

Switch on the power cord switch

Power on the cpu power

Give the username and passwords if it ask for

Hence you can use the computer

How to shutdown the computer

If you have finished your work you need to shutdown or off the computer

Through this practical you can off the computer

Click in start

Click in shutdown

Hence now your computer will shutdown,

How to restart the computer

Due to some technical issues you need to restart the computer restart means make on the computer again while in the process of computer working.

Click in start

Click in shutdown arrow

Power cord

Click in restart,

Oval: m

Text Box: Keyboard


CPU power

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