Friday, September 7, 2012


The operating system is the first soft ware to be loaded when computer boot up.
The os acts as an interface between the usre, application programs,
hardware and system peripherals.

Operating system can be of two types:-network operating
system and simple client operating system.

Network OS client OS

1. windows2008server windows-7
3.windows2003server windows vista
3.windows2000server xp
2000 professional
6.netware ms dos

Command prompt interface
Dos provides a text based inter face called the command prompt. From
the command prompt , commands can be issued to perform file and disk
management and execute programs.

Utility programs
Dos provides a number of utility programs (files with .exe and .com
extension in the C:\dos\directory) to perform various file and system
management tasks.

There are two configuration files in Dos:-
*CONFIG.SYS is a executed when the system boots up. These commands
(also known as parameters) can be edited to have varying effects on
the hardware components of the computer system.
*AUTOEXE.BAT file contain a list of Dos commands that be executed
immediately after boot up.

The cls command is used to clear the screen but it shows the
command and cursor.

The root directory normally contains the following files .
*MSDOS.SYS (hidden file)
*IO.SYS (hidden file)
Each drive has a unique drive letter.
The default drive of the hard disk, from windows is loaded, is usually C drive.

Getting system information
 C:\>dir =>list out the file and folders
 C:\>dir/p=>list out in the page by page format.
 C:\>dir d:\ enter the d drive
 C:\>dir a*.*list out the files sub-directories whose name begin with a.

Dos file management
Md$ folder name (to make new directory)
Copy$ con $ file name (to make anew file)
…………………………..f6/ctrl+z(to save the file)
1 file copied
Dir (to show contents of a directory)
cd.. (back once directory)
cd (back to root directory)
rd$ directory name (delete directory)
rd/s$ directory name(to delete all contents)
Are you sure? (y/n)
Del$ file name (delete a file)
Ren$ file name (rename a file)
Cd $folder name (to enter directory)
Tree/f$directory name (to show the tree of directory)
Attrib$ +R $file name (to make a file read only)
Attrib$ +H$ file /folder (to make hidden)
Dir/A/R (to show al the read only file)
Dir/AH to show all the Hidden contents)

Drive Format
=>format/fs:filsystem $ drive letter
=>format/ q/fs:filesystem $ drive letter

=>ver (shows the version of Dos (windows)

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