Thursday, September 13, 2012


To use TrueTheater™ - Stretch, it is highly recommended that you use a graphic card with 8MB or more video memory.
TrueTheater™ - Stretch and TrueTheater™ - Lighting are sophisticated video processing technologies that require higher CPU power. If both of these functions are enabled (especially in conjunction with other audio effects), it is recommended that you use at least a 1.0GHz system for optimal performance.
TrueTheater™ - Stretch and TrueTheater™ - Lighting are implemented within a CyberLink proprietary video decoder, thus, they are not available when hardware video acceleration is enabled.
TrueTheater™ - Stretch and TrueTheater™ - Lighting are not available under Blu-ray Disc playback due to the limitation of platform horsepower.

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